A tool for filmmakers that redefines production management
Wrap is a tool for filmmakers & crew to streamline the pre-production and production process; managing call sheets, shoot schedules, locations, and more in real-time. The app was born out of pure necessity, create by the San Francisco creative production company Avocados and Coconuts. While the app has all key funcationality in place, it required a second look to refine the user experience and establish a more cohesive and compelling visual identity.
After consolidate and evaluate the app’s main UX challenges, I focused on the most strained moments where users interact with information dense features like scheduling and call sheets, while running across a crowded set balancing equipment & coffees.

‘The pre-pro book, schedule, and call sheet tend to be the most important pillars for aggregating important and useful data. The pre-pro book is a rich information source, but in the old-school PDF or printed-binder format, it’s often outdated as soon as you hit print. We felt the need to get all this pertinent information into the hands of everyone on set in the most accessible way: your phone.’

Dalia Burde,
Founder and Executive Producer

I crafted a new look-and-feel for the app drawing inspiration from visual language of film and movie title cards. The result was a vivid and glanceable interface that captured the essence of cinema.